Friday, June 29, 2012

Where did the time go?

...beginning to doubt the continuation of this blog. If I'm through with documenting, if I'm through with my tumblr, what's the point of just starting another one of these? I guess I'll just keep this one private, really private. I'm hopeless.

Tuesday, 06/26/2012 - Quite frankly, I don't remember. Crepes & paint? Yeah, that's the one. Requiem for a dream. When the mom goes in that short and intense monologue about why she chooses to believe in the scam of being on it keeps her motivated, how it's the one thing she has to look forward to. It made me understand my own mom in a way that I never did before. It's kind of really sad actually. Not really something I want to think about, but it's there. Unfortunately. I think it's staying too. Don't you hate that? When you realize something and wish you hadn't right afterwards? Ignorance is sometimes bliss.
Wednesday, 06/27/2012 - I truly wish that at some point, you'll realize that you're facing yourself. You might as well sit in front of a mirror.
Thursday, 06/28/2012 - Misery loves company. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bandits, yeah I'll come along

Monday, 06/25/2012 - Cupertino to Sunnyvale, back home to be picked up. La Vic's. Makayla's. Sof's. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

the rereturn

Sunday, 06/24/2012 - He turned and looked at me, the sincerest apology followed. Before I had the chance to ask why, I looked up and realized we were running reds. I laughed. Shane is always good company.

Later on I transcended some. Solo of course. Came home soaked. My hair wet enough to set myself off on an internal debate to shower or not. Instead I directed myself to the kitchen where I helped myself to a nice haagan-daz ice cream bar although what I really wanted was a blueberry pie with french vanilla ice cream on the side. I slept easy. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Saturday, 06/23/2012 - Do you ever catch yourself debating to walk into the bart tracks just before it approaches? Nothing wild like jumping, and nothing too mild like carefully stepping down but just walking straight as if the landing stretched out there? It would be cool, I thought.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Hey Alyssa,

As I have discussed with you, this blog is not a place for sentimental rants or romanticizing mundane activities from my day to day life (actually I don't think I've said that to you yet, well, I'm saying it now!). It is just a rough outline of what I have been up to. Asides from a few side comments, I'm going to try keep it minimal.. (Good luck to me)

Anyways, I have decided that this is going to be helpful since it requires me to exercise my memory, something that Ange and I constantly joke about me losing. I'm convinced that once I become senile someone will come for my eyesight and all recollection of anything.

Weird, writing feels so foreign to me, since school doesn't even have me do much of this, hopefully I'll get the hang of it in no time, ye.

Ok, I'm sitting here trying to think of what I did on Monday and nothing comes to mind, holy shit this is going to be good for me. Let me think. (It's seriously been a good 10 minutes..[Queen of parentheses over here]) Huh. Still nothing comes to mind, holy shit this is terrible. Let me use my phone for some assistance, good thing I take pictures of every stupid thing I do for god knows what reasons.

Thanks to my handy dandy camera and part time cellular device, I have figured it out! Jesus how did I forget.

Monday, 06/18/2012 - I went to Santa Cruz with Mak, Ange, Xav, the Dias family and Courtney & Co. Tam and Dan cashed out for Courtney's SECOND birthday party. Courtney got a $300 room at the Dream Inn where Dan and Tammy also stayed. We (mak+ange+xav) insisted that we didn't need something that fancy, a cheap motel would do. We ended up choosing the Bay Front Inn which was a completely no smoking facility, but it had a pool...and I was told to prioritize swimming over smoking (even though we did not end up going anywhere near the pool) It was an okay room though, really, I just gave it a hard time. I was too interested in all the other motels, hotels, and inns around the boardwalk that I couldn't help but feel some regret for settling for a rushed decision. It's okay though, the room still served it's purpose, we all got stoned to the bone and drunk off our asses. Julian and Vajjy made a last minute decision to stay, and Julian did some guest starring in our quest to be shitfaced, in fact, I'm pretty sure he stole the spotlight. It was a chill way to end the day after riding all the rides and eating at Firefish (I think that's what it's called), where Mak and I actually tried to order alcoholic beverages. The waitress asked us for our IDs and we just sort of side giggled to each other and ignored her. At least we tried! Throughout that trip I realized that even though it was Courtney's birthday and she had 3 of her good friends with her, Mak had brought 5 of her good friends. More mouths to feed and more bodies to roof, it's weird to realize how much she is favored over her sister sometimes, but it's definitely evident.

Tuesday, 06/19/2012 - (Wow looking at my Monday post, so much for keeping it minimal heh?) Well Tuesday morning we woke up and just kind of gathered our things slowly but rapid enough to make the check out time. As I was getting dropped off I made plans to go to Mak's after I showered, but I ended up staying home until I had work. After work, as you know, you and Ange came over. We were supposed to go through my clothes, but I already suspected that we were never going to complete that that night. We ended up at Tapioca Express, where we decided to have a last minute party in an attempt to keep you up.  "Aiza, what time do you want to go to sleep?" "11. I can't stay up later that, I just can't! Well unless I'm drunk." Immediately Ange and I looked at each other and it was settled. We partied (and even then you kept saying "WE GOT TO WRAP IT UP BY 12" [I think that was for Joehl especially]). I went home. When I got home I suddenly felt restless, why did I go home? I wanted to be out, but it was late, and I couldn't find any takers to do anything. I was also convinced that I was going to commit to my straight edge summer after this and that this was the last night drunk Joyce would make an appearance anywhere. I wanted to be rowdy and belligerent. I wanted my last night to be crazy.

Wednesday, 06/20/2012 - Straight edge summer morning. I woke up and saw a third of my MD bottle left over, obviously this isn't going to work. How am I going to finish that? I mean I know I'm not going to let it go to waste. Kenneth came over, and we chilled for a little bit. Our other friends left to Berkeley, but since K--my mom just knocked on my door right now, she bought pizza--enny doesn't get along with Eian we stayed in Fremont and decided to bike without a destination. After biking past Kenny's house, and Kennedy, I suggested we visit our long lost friend Jarrad. Without hesitation, Kenny agreed. As soon as we got there, I ran to the door, excited to see our friend. We had a good idea, I could tell. Jarrad's mom answered the door, I asked if Jarrad wanted to come and sit out on the curb with us or something since it was so hot, Jarrad agreed but said he needed to put on shoes first (I also noticed that he had changed out of his pajama pants). Oh did I mention that Jarrad also grew a full on beard since I've last seen him? While he was getting dress, Kenny and I were trying to find a good spot to chill on his front yard, but we kept setting his neighbor's dungeons & dragon house dogs off. Jarrad's neighborhood is the perfect description of white suburbia and here we were getting barked at. Jarrad's mom opened the door and invited us inside, and after being awkwardly indecisive for a few good minutes, we ended up taking the invitation. After catching up with (HOLY SHIT I JUST LOOKED UP THIS IS FAR FROM MINIMAL) Jarrad, Kenny felt a sudden notion to show him the mattresses we had found the night of my graduation telly. We decided to walk there. During our walk I invited Matt to join us. (Yeah... I gotta start briefing this up, that I'll do). On our way I stopped at Nirvanaah! where Kenny was raging about how I spent $4 on a single scoop of icecream, oh well? Then we went to Starbucks where we met up with Nathan and their other friends. This is also where Matt made his appearance. We walked over to the mattresses, where no one was impressed. Actually, everyone was more disgusted by the possibility of bed bugs than overjoyed by the presence of stacked mattresses. Eventually we all parted ways. Matt drove home as Kenny and I biked back to my house. After putting the bikes away, we walked to Matt's where we waited for Luke, who took us to Jack in the Box after the longest debate over where we should eat. At one point, Luke drove down Fremont blvd on the wrong side of the street (only I thought it was crazy though..) After eating, I got dropped off. Then picked up by Eian who was already with Jordan and Genesis. We went to the tennis courts (my least favorite place of all of Fremont) where we met up with some random skaters, Karen, Andrey, Sam and his friend. I finished my MD bottle here, and proceeded to get stoned to the bone once again. We all decided to go for a walk around the lake, where we continued to become even higher guys. Eventually I realized it was Wednesday night, and I was not with my Wednesday night ruffians. I started to panic for a ride to Walters where I would reunite with fellow Wednesday night lovers. Karen was going to leave for pho but because of a lack of interest among everyone else she decided to take me and join us. We got Jack in the Box and I don't really remember much after that. It's okay though my Wednesday still kicked ass since I saw Jarrad.

Thursday, 06/21/2012 - Woke up. Dealt with a lot of bullshit. Went to work. Uh, I'm drawing a blank here. Oh wait I went to eat at the Vine with Josh. Afterwards, I invited him over to Makayla's where I was cutting her bangs. Man it's been a long time since I've cut hair. Josh got bored eventually and went home. Mak, Ange and I went to go pick up Xavier..then we were out to Sofia's house. Where...surprise surprise we became high guys. Pretty sure we went home shortly after, where once again I was restless and wanting to go out. Crey about it Joyce.

Friday, 06/22/2012 - I was supposed to go thrifting with Ange, Mak and Kern, but just like everything else, I knew this wasn't going to happen. Kenny called and we decided to go biking. We biked to Little Caesars where I always seem to have the most confusing order, and then we biked to "our spot." Very gay, I know. After we finished our pizza we went to a liquor store. I then pitched the idea to hit up Alex Drachnik....which Kenny whined about. His reason for protest? "I knew you were going to say that ("let's hit her up"), but I kind of don't want to see her cause the last time I saw her I was wearing this shirt." Wow, right? But he said that last time he saw her she pointed out that that's the only shirt she has seen him in so I guess....Whatever cause we ended up biking to her house anyways. Her house just made me feel really bitter that I didn't come from a family as well off as hers. We fucked shit up and started a rumor that she was having a party there. Then we decided to go to Jarrad's house and kidnap him back to Alex's. Alex wanted to drive. When we got to Jarrad's, Matt's car was already there. How dare they hang out with Jarrad with us!!!!!! Matt and Tony were in the middle of a game of Sequence with Jarsad, and I so badly wanted to join, but did that ever happen, no. We chilled and Josh picked me up. I think when I announced that I was leaving there was some confusion and Matt asked "is this a joke?!" Well it wasn't! I got picked up, and we went to go watch Seeking a Friend for the End of the World,  you know, the one with Steve Carrel and Keira Knightly, it was definitely stupid and not worth watching. Don't watch it. After this I got dropped off at your house..........and you pretty much know the rest. But for my blog's sake, I'll write about it. We walked back to my house to sort through my clothes and you got a little shop happy. Charlotte picked us up and took us back to your house where I contemplated partying but ended up conversing with you for a good five hours. Five hours! They passed by so quickly, but I know you're not use to staying up too late, so shortly after 1 I excused myself and enjoyed my walk home.

Saturday, 06/23/2012 - It's about 12:30 right now, and I'm fucking stoked for today. I get to party with my glorified 6 fig making friend, Michelle Ochoa in SF along with a few of my friends. It's pride weekend, so the party's theme is a "Dyke march," I still haven't gotten my outfit figured out but I suppose I should do that......Plus, I've got to buy booze! I'll probably give today it's own proper post later!

Honestly (hehe stole this from Meg),